so let's get to know you, first of all, what's your name?
Melu: my name is Christian Chiemela Nmelu ok, how long have you been singing?
Melu:(smiles) i have been singing for a few years now, it actually started as a childhood passion and here we are today. Ok. that's nice. So what kind of song do you do? is there any restriction on the kind of songs you do?
Melu: The only kind of songs i do are songs that praise and glorify the name of God; in otherwords, gospel music. it doesn't matter the genre, if i enjoy it, you'll find me therein. ok. have you ever gone secular, or are there thoughts or plans of going secular ever?
Melu: (laughs) nah! i do the gospel. that's what i love to do. so who do you look up to in the Music industry, say here in Nigeria?
Melu: In Nigeria, i look up to great and blessed ministers like Frank Edwards and Nathaniel Bassey. ok, so any albums yet?
Melu: No, no albums yet, buh i have a few singles out already, hopefully very soon, we'll be looking forward to an album, but it is not in the offing yet. so tell us about your latest single
Melu: ok. it's a song titled Hosanna yeah!
Melu: Hosanna is a cry of praise or adoration to God, it was a shout made in recognition of Jesus as the Messiah, and this song is meant to enthrone God in the lives of Christians while dethroning every thing that is contrary to the will of God. By the song, we are encouraged to join in worship of the living God, to bring praise to His name.
(Download here, hosanna by Chris Melu
click to listen ok, so where do you see yourself in about a decade from now
Melu: well, God is my leader, and as the Bible says; the path of the just shines brighter and brighter unto a perfect day. so i won't be where i am now but i am very sure of being very close to where God wants me to be, by His Grace. ok, what do you wish to tell your fans, supporters and friends out there?
Melu: i thank them for their support so far, for their love and etc. May God continue to bless us all so it's your birthday today, how do you intend to celebrate and what would you wish yourself?
Melu: wow, i'll be with a few friends where we'll have a session of songs, just in worship to God, and i wish myself all the good things of life, i wish that God will rain his blessings upon me and use me more than he is using me now. Amen Thank you for honoring our interview; we hope to see more of you
Melu: Thank you
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Happy birthday to you, Chris Melu
Happy birthday Chris, nice song #hosanna