playful and fun is great, but there are times when being serious makes
more sense than laughing about stupid jokes and pranking each other with
whoopee cushions.
There will come the time when asking a girl deep questions is the start of a wonderful relationship.
get me wrong. Talking about fun and naughty topics is an essential part
of the seduction process. You can use those topics to loosen up the
atmosphere, to make her smile and to make her horny. With some girls
you’ll never talk about anything else than sex positions and
inappropriate jokes.
These girls have the potential to be a
memorable one night stand. However, it is highly unlikely that you’ll
end up in a meaningful and exciting relationship with a girl who you
never asked anything deeper than “do you prefer How I Met Your Mother or
Two and A Half Men?”
If you really want to have a meaningful
relationship with a girl, you should find out more about her than her
most favorite TV show. If you meet a special girl who is really
important to you, you want to be able to dig deeper than that.
forgive you if you only scratch on the surface when you talk to someone
you don’t spend more than 24 hours with, but if you meet a girl who you
really care about, scratching on the surface is the biggest mistake you
can possibly make.
You deserve to find out who she really is and she deserves a man who wants to find out the same about her.
are some deep questions to ask a girl that help you to immerse in her
world and to find out what she loves, what she hates and who she really
Well, asking her where she works and how long it took her to
get her Master’s Degree are not the type of questions that make her
heart thump. Unfortunately, that’s the kind of logical diarrhea that
most guys tend to ask women when they try to “seduce” them.
bro, but getting all logical and asking her about the dull things she
does at work all day, won’t make her think about you when she is
Unless you want her to think “oh, another boring
idiot”, you should ask her more meaningful things. Ask her questions
that trigger some pretty powerful emotions. Show her that you care about
her and her opinion. Make her feel special and understood. Communicate
that you want to find out everything about her and that you want to go
beneath the surface.
If you do that, she’ll think to herself:
incredible. I have never met a guy who asked me that. He’s the first
guy who gives me the feeling that he really cares about me. I don’t know
how that’s possible, but I have the feeling that I am falling for him.”
Let’s have a look at all the deep questions to ask a girl that will make her think that you are that special someone.
1. If you could be anywhere now, where would you be?
is an amazing deep question to ask a girl who is on a date with you. If
she really likes you, or if she pretends to like you before she tries
to stab you with her eyeliner pencil, she will say that she wants to be
here with you and nowhere else.
run down apartment
If this is the place she wants to be, you should think twice before you put a ring on her finger
case she really says that she just wants to be here, you can change the
question a little bit. Ask her about the country, the place and the
environment she wants to be in.
This can tell you a lot about her personality.
girl who says that she sees herself in a shopping boutique in the
center of London has a completely different personality than a girl who
sees herself at a lonely beach on a small island. This question allows
you to find out where she wants to live and how she wants to live.
if you ask your long-term girlfriend this question and she answers
“far, far away from you”, you have a serious problem.
2. What are you afraid of the most?
a woman about her deepest fears can help you immensely to understand
her better. It also shows you whether or not you are dating an idiot or a
girl who has more brain cells than Jessica Simpson.
“I am so
afraid of the day when they stop showing INSERT SENSELESS TV SHOW HERE. I
will literally kill myself when that happens.”
“I think the biggest fear that I have is that my family members suffer and that I can’t help them.”
hope you see the difference between the answers and I also hope that
you run as fast as you can whenever you meet a girl who would literally
kill herself because of a freaking TV show.
3. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?
I am on a date with a girl I want to find out if she is empathic. The
last thing I want is to date a logical and cold-hearted robot. If I
would want that I could have stayed in Germany. I want to date women who
are emotional, empathic and who are deeply connected to their emotions.
you ask a woman this question and she can’t think of anything that
would touch her enough to make her cry tears of joy, you should be
This was the answer of my girlfriend when I asked her this question:
the sparkling eyes of young street children after giving them enough
food for the day has the power to make me cry tears of joy.”
Now you know why I am together with her.
4. Are you a spiritual person?
maybe spirituality is not really important to you but for me this is
still one of the most important deep questions to ask a girl. I am a
very spiritual person, I try to meditate as often as possible and I love
to do some weird yoga positions in nature.
girl doing yoga
She’s the kind of girl I like
For me it’s important that the girl who I share a bed with is open for spirituality.
doesn’t mean that I want her to believe the same things as I believe.
All I want is that she is open to it and that she doesn’t judge me for
being the weirdo that I am.
In case you are deeply religious and
you hope that I burn in hell for being spiritual, you can of course
change your question and ask her about her beliefs. Talking about
religious topics isn’t the sexiest thing on earth, but if you are deeply
religious you might want to find out if your potential wife believes in
the same imaginary friend as you.
5. What is your biggest passion?
know that this is such a clichรฉ question. Nowadays everybody is talking
about following your passion and about living a passionate life. Even
though a lot of people use this word more frequently than toilet paper,
it is still a good thing to ask.
To enjoy a harmonic relationship with a girl you need to have similar passions.
know about the saying that opposites attract each other and I don’t
doubt that being a little bit different can be very appealing. However, I
believe and know from my own experience, that a relationship between a
girl who loves to go shopping all day and a guy who dedicates his life
to minimalism and anti-consumerism won’t last that long.
Find out about her passions and you’ll find out if she has girlfriend potential or not.
6. How do you think about materialism/consumerism?
is a very important question, at least for me. In case you are the kind
of guy who wants to hang out with gold diggers and with girls who rinse
you, you can of course ignore this topic. However, due to the fact that
you are one of my loyal and intelligent readers, I doubt that you are
that stupid.
It’s absolutely okay to ask the girl you are dating how she thinks about materialism and consumerism.
have been on quite a few dates with girls who told me that owning
status symbols is very important for them and that they only buy clothes
from expensive brands.
I was so thankful for their honesty. Now
that I knew that they were superficial girlies with low self-esteem, I
could delete their numbers out of my phone.
7. How regularly do you see your best friends?
is incredibly important to me. Of course I can’t see my friends every
week, especially when I am traveling all over Asia while they are in my
tiny home town. Nevertheless, I always try to stay in contact with them
and I try to visit them whenever I am on German territory.
If friendship is important to you, I assume that your girlfriend should have the same attitude.
Why would you want to waste your precious time with women who don’t give a fuck about their friends?
girl who doesn’t care about her friends also doesn’t care about the
other people in her life, such as her family members and you. You are
way better off finding a girl who values friendship as much as you do.
8. Imagine yourself in twenty years. What do you see?
though I hated this question so much whenever I went to a job
interview, it can reveal a lot about a person when you ask it the right
Don’t put her under pressure.
Invite her to close her eyes and to imagine herself in twenty years.
I think I don't have to tell you what you should do if this is where she sees herself in 20 years...
I think I don’t have to tell you what you should do if this is where she sees herself in 20 years…
case you want to have fun with her for a couple of nights you should be
happy if she says that she still sees herself partying and traveling
the world. In case you are looking for a girl who you end up marrying
and starting a family with, you’ll be a lot happier when she says that
she sees herself in a nice house with two children and a loving husband.
is one of the deep questions to ask a girl that has the power to
immediately see if she is a good fit or not. If the way you imagine your
future is in alignment with how she sees her future, you might want to
think about a future together.
9. What is the meaning of life?
It sounds cheesy, but it is so incredibly helpful to find out if a girl is a perfect fit, or absolutely not your type.
I believe that the meaning of life is to follow your heart, to do what you love and to have fun along the way.
if a girl thinks that the meaning of life is to suffer until you are
retired? Well, then she definitely doesn’t belong to the group of girls I
want to put my penis in.
If you think that the meaning of life
is to have fun and to do whatever you want to do, you’ll be damn unhappy
when you waste your time with a girl who thinks that laughing is for
stupid people.
If you share the same meaning, you can share the same life.
10. Have you ever loved someone?
I wrote down in the ten random facts about me that you can read on my
about page, I believe that love is an essential part of every human
being’s life. Believe me when I say that you should better date a girl
who knows how to love, than a girl who has never felt what it means to
love someone.
I have dated girls who weren’t able to love and I
wouldn’t do it again. They tend to have more emotional issues than a
child actor on heroin and if you ever fall in love with them you are
basically fucked.
Because she won’t love you back.
for a girl who has at least a loving relationship with her mother or
father. In case her parents didn’t teach her how to laugh, she will have
a hard time learning it from you.
mother with daughter
That’s the kind of mother-daughter relationship you are looking for
11. What would you do different if you could turn back time?
there something she regrets? Is there something that she did in the
past that she would have done differently? These are great deep
questions to ask a girl.
If she has no regrets, you can assume that she lives in alignment with her own values.
she did something that she regrets. If she tells you what it is you can
show her that you respect the fact that this experience helped her to
grow and that she sees things differently today.
I once met a
girl who told me on our first date that she cheated on her ex-boyfriend
and that she regrets it. I appreciated her honesty, but as you can
imagine I didn’t put her in the category “possible girlfriend”.
12. What’s your secret?
has a little secret. There is always something that you don’t want
other people to know. You have it, I have it and the girls you are
dating have it. I reveal a lot about myself, but I also have some
secrets that I don’t want everyone to know.
What is it for the girl who you want to seduce?
It’s your job to find it out and the best way to do that is by asking her.
though a woman usually doesn’t want to reveal her secrets, a seductive
voice and a deep look into her eyes can work miracles. If you ask her in
a romantic atmosphere, she will tell you everything you want to know.
girl who I went on a few dates with told me that she once threw a
television on her boyfriend. That was the moment when I decided that it
was time to go on the run.
13. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?
life is hard. Sometimes you get knocked down and sometimes you have
days where you just want to give up. Of course those days are painful,
but those are also the days that make you stronger and teach you a lot
about yourself.
sad woman
“One day I colored my hair and I wanted them to be blonde, now they are red…I learned it the hard way to look at the packing…”
me the hardest lesson that I had to learn was when I was basically
thrown out of a company, because I was suffering the typical “I am a
special snowflake” syndrome that’s so popular among my generation,
instead of working my ass off.
This taught me a lot about work ethic, my self-perception and my own ego.
I met a girl who I am really interested in, I love to find out about
her struggles and her development. If you meet a girl who refuses to
learn from her failures and who is immune to personal development,
you’ll most likely date a very stubborn person.
14. What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
the girl you are dating got abused by her father and nearly aborted by
her mother, she has at least one or two childhood memories that are
positive. When we think about our childhood we usually think of freedom,
fun and crazy dreams. These are the feelings that you want her to feel
when she is together with you.
These are the feelings that make her feel alive and carefree.
A woman who links those emotions to you will immerse in the seduction process without any resistance.
why it is your job to ask her about her childhood and to find out about
the crazy dreams she had. Look her deep into the eyes while she tells
you that she wanted to be a princess when she was five and enjoy her
warm smile.
15. Who influenced you the most in life and why?
absolutely love this question. We all have one or two people in our
life that had a major influence on our preferences, our beliefs and the
way we want to design our life.
For me this person is my grandmother.
think the same, we laugh about the same jokes and the fact that she
lived in Asia for over a decade inspired me to travel there and to fall
in love with the country and the local women.
One the one hand,
this question allows you to connect with her on a higher level, by
showing that you are interested in the person who smoothed her way. On
the other hand, you find out about her relationship to her family (in
case she was influenced by a family member) and you find out which path
she is on and where she is heading to.
16. Is there something you stopped doing, even though you love it?
is definitely one of the deep questions to ask a girl, when you want to
find out about her dreams, her interests and her desires. There are
already enough people on this earth who stopped doing what they love,
just to end up as miserable hamsters in a wheel they don’t want to be
Find out if she is one of them.
Why should you do
that? Well, being together with a girl who is determined enough to do
the things she loves is far more exciting than being together with a
girl who stopped doing the things she loves, just because life got in
the way.
17. What do you want to do before you die?
you have a bucket list? I have one and one of the things that I want to
do before I die (besides having as much sex as possible) is to visit
every continent on this earth.
moody harbour
What does she want to do before the sun goes down?
someone asks me about all the things that I want to do before I die, I
instantly feel a connection with this person. When I tested this
question on dates with girls, I could observe the same effect.
reason why I think that this question is so effective for the
connection between two human beings is because it shows us our own
mortality, while it triggers a spirit of adventure and thirst for
Her next action could be to jump in bed with you.
18. What would you do today, if you would know that you are going to die tomorrow?
one also belongs to the deep questions to ask a girl that mix the
mortality factor with the desire to take action and to live life to the
fullest. I think I don’t have to tell you why it is helpful to motivate a
girl to live her life to the fullest.
As soon as she starts to think about the fact that she could die tomorrow, she’ll think about all the fun and exciting things she could do today.
What if there would be no consequences?
Well, then she would jump in bed with you without even worrying that you or anyone else could label her as a slut.
All you do with this question is to make sure that she follows her desire to take action.
19. What do you value the most?
Everyone has certain values that he or she lives by, even if they only exist in our unconsciousness.
You have values, I have values and the girl you are dating has them too.
to the fact that you are reading this article, I assume that honesty is
an important value for you. Unless you want to date a girl who lies to
you and cheats behind your back, you probably want her to value honesty
in the same way as you value it.
What do you do if the girl you are dating values her fur coat the most?
In this case you should say that you value the poor animals that had to die for it, before you leave her.
20. How is your relationship with your father?
is one of the most important deep questions to ask a girl. There are so
many girls out there who have severe father issues and who start to
hiss as soon as you mention the name of their daddy.
It is highly unlikely that such a girl has a positive attitude towards men in general.
girlfriend has an extremely good relationship with her father. I see
this as the main reason why she isn’t one of those hardcore feminists
who hate men. A woman who loves her dad learned from a young age that
men are good.
This woman has absolutely no reason to hate men.
all the girls I dated who had father issues (I was young and needed the
pussy) there was not one girl who was girlfriend material. Those girls
will never love you for the man you are, because they never learned to
love men.
21. What would you do with 1 million dollars?
case you are familiar with my writing you know that I absolutely hate
materialistic women who define themselves through brands and superficial
stuff that nobody needs.
I want women who rather use their money for charity purposes than to buy a handbag for $1000.
you want to end up in a relationship with a woman who is so superficial
and so insecure that she needs designer clothes to feel valuable? No?
Then ask her what she would do with 1 million dollars.
woman hugging car
Who gives a shit about a dying children in warzones, as long as I have my cute white car!
girl, who answers that she would save some money for bad times and help
poor people with the rest, is definitely girlfriend material.
22. Do you have an Instagram account?
have to admit that this is a personal topic. I can’t stand girls who
upload ten pics per day on Instagram and I don’t only say this because I
think that they are all semi-professional prostitutes, even though a
lot of them are.
Girls who upload thousands of pictures of
themselves in the hope to get some approval through followers and
comments are anything but emotionally healthy.
If a girl seeks attention on social media, she’ll also seek attention in the real world.
might be able to give her the attention that she needs for a certain
amount of time, but the day will come when you are home alone, while she
is in the club and some guy gives her compliments and one drink after
Guess what a loyal girl with a high self-esteem would do
and what a girl with self-confidence issues and an Instagram account
would do?
23. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
also belongs to the group of deep questions to ask a girl that are
perfect when you want to find out if the girl you are with has a healthy
self-esteem or not.
I know that no woman on earth is 100%
satisfied with the way she looks, but if a girl tells you that she would
change her ass, her nose, her eyes, her lips, her belly, her legs and
even her fingertips, you can confidently assume that she needs a good
therapist instead of a plastic surgery.
cosmetic surgery
Do you really want to date her?
she tells you that she thinks that her nose is a little bit too flat,
but that she doesn’t see the need to change that, you can assume that
she is not completely nuts.
24. What would you do tomorrow if you would become president today?
only see the true nature of people when you give them power. Of course
you can’t help the girl of your dreams to become president (let me know
if I am wrong), but you can at least ask her what she would do if she
would be the president of her country.
This question will show you how creative, intelligent and how compassionate she is.
once asked this question an American girl and she honestly told me that
she would throw a nuclear bomb on the European continent, in order to
finally win the war against terrorism.
I never called her again.
25. What is your most amazing memory?
is an extremely important part in every seduction process and in order
to make a girl comfortable in your presence she has to feel good. If she
feels good, she will automatically feel good about herself.
way to make her feel good is by making her laugh and by doing exciting
things with her. Another way is to make her remember all the exciting
things that she already experienced.
Ask her about her most amazing memory and enjoy how her energy changes into a ray of positivity.
26. What are you grateful for?
personally believe that you can only be truly happy in your life when
you are grateful for what you have. I don’t say that you should stop
improving yourself and that you should give up on your goals. Having
goals and achieving what you want to achieve is absolutely essential for
your personal fulfillment.
woman with shopping bags
If shopping is the only thing she is grateful for, you might want to look for a new girlfriend
However, a person who isn’t grateful for anything basically says:
“I am on the completely wrong path and I don’t really want to live the life I am living at the moment.”
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to date such a girl.
27. What do you think happens after we die?
is another deep question to ask a girl, especially if you are into
spirituality. It’s quite interesting to ask a girl this question. Not
because you hope to get the right answer (which doesn’t exist), but
because it shows you if the girl you are with is willing to think about
topics that go beyond TV shows and Iggy Azalea.
When it comes to this question there are only two types of girls.
the one hand, there are the ones who never thought about it and who
don’t really care. On the other hand, there are the ones who tell you
that they have already thought about this topic, before they start a
long monologue.
Guess who’s the one with the higher IQ?
28. What would you do if you would be invisible?
is a relatively fun question to ask and depending on her answer it can
go really deep. All I would do if I would be visible would be to go in
the girl’s locker room in my gym and to watch those sexy little things
take a shower, but you might find a woman who is much more creative than
I once met a girl who told me that she would walk into
banks, steal some money and give it to the poor. I was truly impressed
by this answer. Maybe you are lucky and you also find a sexy Robin Hood
with boobs.
29. What would you do if you would be famous?
are two types of famous people. There are the ones who get crazy, who
spend all their money on expensive toys and who take one drug after
another. On the other hand, there are the ones who want to help people
with their money and who want to use their fame to promote good and
valuable projects.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what the girl of your dreams would do if she would be famous?
girl who tells you that she would use her fame to advertise charity
projects might be a better girlfriend than a girl who says that she
would be happy to get designer clothes for free.
30. What advice would you give your younger self?
is an important aspect of my life. I want to spend time with people who
want to improve themselves and I want to help you to improve yourself.
to the fact that destiny or Mother Google motivated you to click on
this website, I assume that improving yourself is also a very important
part of your life, or at least an aspect that you plan to work on.
Why would you want to waste your time with women who don’t care about improving themselves?
girl who is resistant to change won’t be able to answer this question,
but a girl who is into self-improvement will be able to write a whole
book about all the things she would tell her younger self.
Which of those girls do you want to date?
The choice, as always, is yours.
Summed Up Wisdom
article is already long enough and listing all the questions again
would make absolutely no sense. The conclusion for today’s article is
It took me hours to write down all the deep questions to
ask a girl. The best way to reward me for the hours I spent writing it
is to ask the next girl you go on a date with at least one of the
questions I mentioned.
Connect with her on a deep level and make her happy. That makes me happy.
Author: angelgoldy
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