There are many fallacies and notions that Christians carry about church that should be either done away with or redirected. Some of these are discussed below:

You are the church
Most of the issues and controversies that surround churches nowadays are centered on the fact that the church is misrepresented. Everyone assumes that church is that beautiful building that can be entered into or accessed per time. Well, the church is not a place, it is a person, and you, at that. The church is the coming together of Christians; Christians are the body of Christ and as such, they form the church. Most importantly, if Christ has chosen to dwell in humans, mortal bodies, then it is wrong and would be a misappropriation to respect a building more than the entities in which Christ himself has chosen to dwell.

Church should accommodate all kinds of people
It is very wrong to assume that church is meant to have all the good people on earth. Nay! The church is like a clinic, you go there to get better, you go there in order to improve. The church is meant to accommodate different kinds of people; people who are with or without good character. There
is no better place for a sick person than the hospital, in the same vein, there is no better place for anyone else in the world than the gathering of Christians. So when you see sinners, evil people, bad people (in your own judgment, that is), going to church, to fellowship, it is going to be worthless for you to attempt to cast your "judgment stone" on them. They are coming to get better.

God loves sinners, He hates their sins
Just like a popular Nigerian proverb says: "Do not throw away a child with the bath water" . God is interested in sinners, for which reason he sent His only son to die for their sins. Therefore, inasmuch as God hates sins, He loves the sinners and he wishes so very much that they will turn from their wicked ways and embrace God. (Romans 10:13)

It's not your job to judge
People nowadays have formed the habit of judging Christians with their own standards and supposed "church standards". Well, your church should teach you not to do this, as God is not hiring. He is the righteous judge and your church standards are not the ultimate yardstick for measuring someone's righteousness. It is not uncommon to see People being rated as Christians because they follow their church doctrines, which most of the times includes their modes of dressing, talking, etc. Most of them follow doctrines and abandon the gospel of Christ, which in itself is not right.

The most expensive gift you can give to God is not money
So many "money seeking" churches (if they are fit to be so-called) have in their quest for more money forgotten about the most important assignment for which they are called. Your church should teach you to know that money is not the best thing you can give to God; your life is. Many "pastors" will collect money from you to "support the work of God" without knowing whether or not you have Given your life to Christ. The best and most expensive thing you can give to God is  not your money or church offering, it is not even your tithe and offerings. Your life goes first. Men may be interested in your money and possessions but God wants your life. He gave His only begotten son up so that He can have your life, not your money! Your life! You first, before all you have gets to Him, He wants you! You! You!Your life is more important to God than your money. Don't let any one trick you to give up all you have to them when you do not yet have a good relationship with God. God first. He is not hungry, he needs your life, not your money. God is not a beggar, don't attempt to give Him money if he doesn't have your life. (Matthew 6:33).

Everybody is meant to "preach" the gospel
It is erroneous to believe that preaching the gospel is exclusively the work of Pastors. God has commissioned Christians to go and preach the gospel. It is our responsibility as Christians to preach the Gospel, to go into all the ends of the earth, to spread the gospel! God doesn't desire for sinners to perish, He wants them to come into light, knowledge. Therefore, relying on only the Pastors to do this would be inimical to the spread of Christendom. We are meant to show forth his power, his works, his glory, to the Ends of the Earth!



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13 November, 2016

Angel you should be a pastor. i rily lik this

13 November, 2016

I agree with you but it's unfortunate that it has been misconstrued and it has been used in the name of so many erroneous things that's not inconformity with what the bible taught us. God give us earnest understanding and more to those who preside over the church
